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© Copyright 2019 Trusted Advisor Network | All rights reserved.

"Trusted Advisor Network" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  P.O. Box xxx, xxxxxxx, NM xxxxx

  1. Where are the various meetings for the Trusted Advisor Network? Meetings are held in Scottsdale, Santa Fe, and Albuquerque. There are six meetings alternating at these locations most months of the year.
  2. If I become a member, may I attend any meeting?
    Any member can attend as many meetings as they like. We encourage attending at different locations to further build your trusted network.
  3. May I just join or are there requirements?
    You must be invited to attend two meetings before joining, meet with members in smaller meetings, and go through a formalized interview prior to submitting your application.
  4. May I merely register for a meeting or must I be invited?
    Most guests are invited. However, if you want to attend and do not know a member, contact our administrator at this email:
  5. What do TAN meetings consist of?
    Our regular monthly meetings have a specific agenda that includes meet and greet time, covering relevant topic, and a specific best practice on building a successful network to build business. Once a month we have an educational meeting that varies by topic, routinely presented by a member. These meetings are conducted with Zoom allowing members and the public to learn from a distance.
  6. As a member, am I required to attend a certain number of meetings?
    No, each member defines their own attendance with no requirements. However, the most successful members make a routine of attending.

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